"Change Your Aura / Change Your Life"
Written by: Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

Most people do not realize that we humans have more control over the Powers that Be than wut we give ourselves credit 4. We are made in the image of God right?, so why most of us never tap in2 our inner-creator? Our minds could move mountains if we just tapped in2 our true selves. This book has some of the steps 2 take in order 2 do just that.
Our bodies are energy. The Uni~Verse is energy. Everything is energy.
We are the same as the Most High.
Our bodies are made of Light, electrical charges in motion from our blood 2 our brains.
When we realize the powers of our mind, we realize that imagination can lead 2 reality. Our very thoughts & feelings are vibrational waves that extend forth thru the Uni~Verse & return back 2 us, basically reaping wut we sow.

The aura is the energy field that springs forth from our physical bodies.
The aura in most cultures has 7 main energy points called chakras:
One in the groin area (Base or Root Chakra), One in the lower belly (Sacral Chakra), One in the upper belly (Solar Plexus), One in the heart (Heart Chakra), One in the throat (Throat Chakra), One in the forehead (Third Eye Chakra), & One Above the Head (Crown Chakra)
Each Chakra has a certain color that it vibrates 2 & that is basically wut this book is about.
Thru meditation & astral projection, we can feed our spirits the proper energy. By focusing on particular colored lights & imagining them engulfing our BE~ing, we can attract great thingz in2 our lives.
4 example:
The color Turquoise attracts Prosperity & Abundance,
Rosy Pink attracts Divine Love,
Imagining an Orange-Red Flame attracts Purification,
Bright Yellow attracts Concentration.
We are ALL BE~ingz of Light & the quicker we align our chakras & feed our auras with positive energy, the sooner we we realize our world 4 wut it is............Heaven.
I've read quite a few Aura books & have worked with meditation since i wuz a jitterbug, but i must admit.....this has got 2 be one of the best aura & meditation books that I've ever read.
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