Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Natural Remedies

Plants Over Pills

I just got home from doin a performance at Banana Boat in Fort Lauderdale & while i wuz out there, i realized sumthin had bitten me on my finger. I don't know wut it wuz or when it happened, but by the time i got to the krib, there wuz crazy inflammation.

Instead of goin' to the hospital or putting some chemical on my hand, I went to the fridge & grabbed the Aloe.

I cut it open & placed the gelatin-like substance that's inside the Aloe plant & placed it on the sore for like 10 minutes. When i removed it, the swelling had already started to go down & the itchy irritation ceased.

All these drugs that these doctors are claiming to discover that heal this & heal that is BS. The ancients had the answers for thousands of years in plants. Check out some of the remedies that i know about.


Green tea is great for cleaning out the mouth & ridding of bad breath + it's much more healthier than all the chemicals added to your Listerine bottle.

Green tea is also great for weight loss & holds many antioxodants that can keep the body's immune system strong & clear of diseases.

If u dont like green tea as a liquid, you could easily use it as a seasoning in your cooking as well. {It actually brings out a clearer taste to the food too}


This herb is also used in tea form. It's great for memory & concentration.

Real Talk.....

Gotu kola is also widely consumed by elephants & you know wut they say bout them, right?

Elephants never forget & actually it's true; they have one of the greatest minds for memory in the animal kingdom, so if you know this shit works on elephants, it definitely can handle us lil' humans. lol


Where do we usually see algae??????????? In dirty water.

Well, that's b-cuz algae actually purfies dirty water, so imagine wut it does to our bloodstream with all the toxins we put in our bodies on a day-to-day basis.
Spirulina or blue-green algae is a blood purifier great for keeping your body healthy and/or even can be used for combating such diseases as STDs & cancer.


This is great for when ur sick. I recommend this to my peeps when they've got any kind of head cold, stomach flu, or fever & 90% of the time, they feel better.

Its good to have even when you're not sick to keep you on point.


Once again we dont need pills when there are substances in their natural forms that do the same things for you. Men........if u got erectile dysfunction, there's no need for Viagra, Levitra, etc.
Chewing on Yohimbe bark or drinking it as an extract does the job just fine. lol


Now we all know garlic tastes great in food, but did u know it has many healthy qualities as well. A lil' bit of garlic per day keeps the doctor away. lol
Garlic is great for bloodflow, which means it's great for the veins, arteries, & last but not least, the heart.
Of course it has other qualities such as releasing toxins in the organs & the skin.
Not too mention, it can be used as an aphrodesiac. lol


Having sleep issues??????? No need for NyQuil or other sleep medicines that are highly addictive & bad for you with too much use.
Chamomile tea does the job just fine as a relaxer that'll put ur ass to sleep. lol
NE~Wayz.....I know there are many other great plants like Ginko Biloba, Noni Juice, Ginseng, Seraseed, Acai Fruit, Chlorophyl extract, etc., etc.
Just next time, when you're looking for a solution for a physical or mental discrepancy, dont be lazy & dont just take anything. Do your research & know that there's alwayz a natural answer to your problem.


  1. My mom switched me from traditional medicine to homeopathic medicine at around age 8 when I was plagued by the "grade school" germs and constantly getting sick. My immune system was practically non-existent thanks to already being fed anti-biotics for practically my entire life. The change was almost immediate and I keep homeopathic remedies and texts on hand to this day. I didn't have to return to traditional medicine until I began suffering from migraines as a young adult and couldn't find a solution naturally.

    Aloe works wonders. Another huge natural remedy is charcoal in it's natural powdered form:


  2. very informative! def gonna start usin herbs

  3. I def. Know about the herbal remedies. My background is Haitian desendent and everything is made of natural herds. I remember after conceiving my little girl my mother boiled a big pot of ginger root for me to drink for a month. It helps to cleanse and tighten the womb placing it back to it's original alignment. Also there were papaya leave baths in hot boed water to to help with healing of the body. Herbal remedies are the best because there is no side effects that causes you to have to take other medications to subside the effects of the primary medications. Herbal remedies have been here long before science, in fact we can give credit to herbal remedies for being the base of medical science. I found this post to be very intresting and creditive to the herbal foundation. Thx for posting it!
