With Obama in the White House & society becoming more & more interracial, the Klansmen, SkinHeads, & Neo-Nazi's have been showing their ugly faces again.
Sporting Swastikas & callin themselves the Aryan brotherhood, the Neo-Nazi's just don't realize that the very foundation of their symbols stem from India (a non-white nation). lol
The Aryans were 1st referred to in the Vedas......(the Hindu bible)
The language, culture, & area around India is all considered Indo-Aryan.
These people referring to themselves as the Aryan race are a lost people looking for an identity. In the 1800's, countries around Germany were growing much larger, forming empires; yet Germany was not a unified country until 1871. To counter the feeling of vulnerability & the stigma of youth, German nationalists in the mid-nineteenth century began to use the swastika, to somehow represent a long Germanic/Aryan history.
(basically reaching for a way to outshine the more powerful, surrounding countries)
The swastika in Hinduism & Buddhism represented ONEness & Interconnectivity.
Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, the sun, power, strength, prosperity, & basically ALL good things.
Here is a statue of the Buddha (the Enlightened One) sporting a swastika.
The Buddha's teachings were based upon peace & selfless service to ALL BE~ings. I wonder how they interpreted this to mean White Supremacy. lol

Does this guy look white to you? lol
Last time i checked, The Dalai Lama wuz from Tibet.

Wut trips me out even more is how the Neo-Nazi's hate the Jews, yet the Neo-Nazi's study the Bible. (anutha book promoting peace & selfless service to everyone, including your enemies)
In documentary films, you alwayz see the Nazi's burning the flags with the Star of David, claiming it to be a wicked symbol.
The Star of David represents "As Above, So Below" = basically anutha symbol for ONEness & interconnectivity. (a different version of the swastika)
Crazy....Ain't it!?
On top of that, the Old Testament of the Bible is the Jewish Torah.
Even crazier, they worship Jesus (Y'shua) as their Saviour; anutha man who promoted peace & luv to ALL BE~ings.
Oh yeah! & Jesus wuz a Jew.
(most likely a dark-skinned man at that)
With so much Hatred being promoted from the Neo-Nazi party, u really have to feel saddened at how lost these people really are.
I, myself, don't Hate them. They are our brothers & sisters just as much as anybody else; just super-lost. If anything, we must send out prayer energy for them to see the "LIGHT".