When I was a lil' jit, the one thing that would freak the Hell outta me were spiders.
Now, I see them as one of the most interesting BE~ings on Earth.
No matter how creepy you might find them, they still are God's Creation, therefore we must love them. They also have been on the Earth for at least 140 Million Years, therefore we must respect them. They are our elders after-all. :)
Spiders come in all packages.
Crab spiders have a spiny shell for instance; Tarantulas & wolf spiders are just as furry as mammals, while others might have skin like a gecko.
Spiders are natural-born hunters.
They are the lions & tigers of the insect world.
They are the kings & queens of a minute jungle.
We all know them for their glorious masterpieces called webs.
Most species of spiders do spin webs to catch their food, but not all.
(Some stalk & pounce their prey)
Spiders also use their webs to protect their offspring.
A spider's web is one of the strongest substances on Earth, made from a protein-based silk extruded from a spider's spinnerets (located at the end of the abdomen).
The tensile strength of spider silk is greater than the same weight of steel and has much greater elasticity. The military is even experimenting with creating bulletproof vests & armor out of the spider's silk.
This is one of the main reasons for it's creepy legs too.
If a spider happened to get its body caught in the web, it would become stuck like any other bug. So the legs help it to balance itself across its own DeathTrap.
Spiders were respected by the ancient world as gods & transcedental BE~ings.
In West Africa, Anansi, was the Trickster God. But behind each trick, there was always a valuable lesson to be learned.
In Native American culture, the DreamCatcher is a replica of the spider's web.
They hang it over places of rest and sometimes doorways too.
It is believed that the DreamCatcher can filter out the good from the bad dreams, so we could tap into the spirit world in a positive light.
Even in the Hindu religion, Vishnu (the god which preserves all of Creation) resembles a spider with his 8 arms.
He is the equivalent to what God is in the Christian religion.
Only God could create such a unique creature as the spider.
They have alotta the same things we have, such as eyes, stomach, brain, heart, teeth (fangs), digestive system, lungs, ovaries, etc.
On top of that, the pedipalp, are basically hands that help them to pull their food into their mouth.
Now, of course, their heart, stomach, etc. isn't positioned exactly how our heart, stomach, etc. is, but that just goes to show how creative our Creator really is.
Matter of fact, the brain of a jumping spider takes up as much volume in proportion to its body as does ours. You can't tell me they aren't working on some high levels of intellect.
I can't even imagine how they see the world neither. Spiders have 8 eyes & within each eye is about a hundred little eyes. Aint that some shit? God is truly the original Artist.
Of course, they all bite if they feel threatened & 98% of spiders carry some sort of venom, but hey, if you were that small amongst a world of giants, you'd probably want some sort of defense mechanism to deal with potential threats too. LOL
I just want people to realize how fascinating God's creations truly are from the smallest to the largest. We all vibrate on different levels, yet we all walk amongst the same planet.
Much Respect to brother & sister Spider.