Everything in LIFE holds energy & emanates energy. Even animals, trees, rocks, ELements emanate energy. Everything is alive in its own way.
Anywayz, this energy that comes forth from our Source & Centers & emanates outside of our physical BEing is our aura. The Source & Centers are our chakras.

Whether we acknowledge their existance or not, they are still activated throughout life. Everything physical has a deeper explanation energywise aka spiritually.
Hunger, pain, love, sex, happiness, anger; every emotion, thought, & action affects our energy Sources. When we know how to focus on our inner-Selves & utilize the true powers of our inner-Selves, then nothing truly goes wrong in LIFE.
Imagination is sucked out of most of us before we even mature completely, but the power of thoughts can Create actual Realities. If we saw ourSelves at our Highest Positive Potentials or at least practiced trying to achieve them in our minds, we would have no choice but to have smoother, happier, more prosperous dayz.
The chakras have BEen studied throughout many cultures & have BEen called by many different names, but Kundalini is the study of the serpent energy (Serpent because the shape of the spinal cord).
Here's an example of Kundalini Rising in a person.
The following that I write comes from a book I just opened up actually called "Kundalini And The Chakras" lol. Written by: Genevieve Lewis Paulson by the way.
Kundalini, a Sanskrit word meaning "circular power", is an individual's basic evolutionary force. Each of us is born with some of this energy already flowing. The amount available & usable determines whether a person has low intelligence, is a genius, or is somewhere in the middle.
It is not just a matter of using what we already have, but of awakening the much greater amount waiting in the Kundalini reservoir located at the base of the spine.

Kundalini is a natural force common to all of us. It is not a religion, although it is practiced by some religions & the process can enhance & develop each person's own religious beliefs.
Ancient Eastern literature contains a great deal of information on the Kundalini. This is not true of Western literature; but more is being written. As interest in the Aquarian Age grows rapidly & brings stronger energies to facilitate spontaneous Kundalini release, people in all walks of life, all ages & all levels of growth, experience Kundalini, regardless of cultural, philosophical, or religious backgrounds.
Little information is available for people who have not even heard of Kundalini & wonder at the causes of their physical, mental, or emotional suffering or breakdown. Even those in the growth & help fields do not have easy access to information for counseling those who release extra Kundalini before their systems are ready & experience problems on all levels of life, as if 220 energy suddenly coursed through their 110 units; fuses blow & circuitry melts.
One reason for the lack of information is that many people though knowledgeable, are concerned about the Kundalini power's potential for harm; they feel nothing should be done with it-no exercises & no training-because of the possibility that this awesome force will turn destructive. This attitude is much the same as that of people who say that if you don't educate children about sex, there won't be any problems.
Another reason is that many people regard Kundalini as a New Age fad. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kundalini can be considered the oldest known science. In previous ages people raised Kundalini under the guidance of teachers & in controlled circumstances, preserving what they learned as an esoteric knowledge. But we have entered a period of time in which the esoteric becomes exoteric.
People whose Kundalini was raised without their knowledge, relating symptoms of their condition to others, were generally considered crazy or physically weak; they may even have considered themselves crazy. The process may entail great confusion & fright beyond the exhilaration & sense of being uplifted.
It is evident from their writings that Christian mystics had experiences of released Kundalini, which they reffered to as sufferings. They understood the process as one which would bring union with God.
Symptoms of Early Release
Since we are all individuals - with our own history, physical conditions, personal & spiritual development - Kundalini release acts differently with each of us. These are some of the symptoms which may indicate an excessive release of Kundalini, meaning before the system is ready:
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Unexplained illness;
Erratic behavior;
A feeling of "losing it" & difficulty coping with everyday life;
Chills or hot flashes;
Evidence of multiple personalities;
Excessive mood swings: depression or ecstasy;
Times of extreme dullness or brilliance;
Loss or distortion of memory;
Disorientation with oneself, others, work, or the world in general;
Extremes in appearance (a person may fluctuate between looking years younger one moment & twenty years older short time later);
Visual effects: seeing lights or colors, geometric shapes, scenes from past lives, or future events.
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Kundalini has its own sense of direction. Its natural flow is up the spine and out the top of the head; along that path it brings new awareness, new abilities, & transcendental states. Much as a plant reaches towards light, the Kundalini pushes us to reach for enlightenment; it removes any energy blocks in its way, thus causing symptoms such as those listed above. It will do its own thing. We can help or hinder the process.
A fully developed person will have exceptional paranormal gifts, great spiritual awareness and truly be considered genius or God-like. Each of us must deal with the Kundalini sooner or later; the more knowledgeable and ready we are, the more wonderful the experience will be.